Tuesday, October 29, 2013

C4T #3

Have You Contemplated Your Philosophy of Reading

I had the opportunity to read Annie Palmer’s blog “Breaking Education Barriers.” In her blog, she has asked three questions that have really made me think as an upcoming educator. One of her questions she has stated is “What is your philosophy of reading?” I would like to think that, as an Elementary Educator; I will develop good readers who are active in making connections, motivated, fluent and become lifelong readers. For Annie Palmer, her answer was “reading is not truly reading until the point that it becomes interactive. This interaction occurs between the reader and the text. At a very basic level, it goes beyond decoding words and reading fluently, two of the surfaces components of reading. We read to comprehend, the deeper component of reading. However, real reading goes beyond that. Real reading occurs when the reading becomes alive, when it becomes like a conversation and interaction between two entities, the person and the message that is being conveyed.” I agree with Annie Palmer when she says that reading should be active.
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Her second and third question goes hand and hand. She asked, “Why do we read?” and “Why should it be integral part of everyone’s life?” Her answer: “because it changes lives, and it is where the magic of reading takes place.” Annie Palmer is right. People read to relax, for information, entertainment, and for soul searching. Reading is an essential part of who we are and how we as individuals live our lives.

My reply, I explained that as a student, my philosophy of reading is to develop good readers who are active in making connections, being motivated, fluent readers, and lifelong readers. As a student, my philosophy is changing as I am being introduced to new ideas and techniques. However, after reading her blog, I agree that I too want my students to come alive when they read.

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